Profile image of artist lyn cheedy

Lyn Cheedy

Juluwarlu Art Group

JLyn Cheedy is a Yindjibarndi cultural custodian, an artist, and chair of Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation. She is a daughter of renowned Yindjibarndi cultural custodian, teacher, and Elder Ned Mayurabingu Cheedy, who was named the 2012 Australian NAIDOC Aboriginal Person of the Year before passing away at the age of 105.

Lyn is a highly skilled painter and craftswoman who creates traditional fishing nets and baskets from yalhirri grass and ceremonial belts from spun hair. Though she started painting, weaving and making Yarranga Marni only three years ago, her artworks are highly valued and selected for major Perth-based exhibitions. Lyn’s artworks are intricately constructed, deeply cultural, and evolve from her passionate love of her Country.

Language: Yindjibarndi

Exhibited Artworks