Michael Woodley is Chief Executive Officer of the Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation (YAC), as well as being a Yindjibarndi spokesperson, Birdarra Law carrier, and community leader. He has been a leader of the Yindjibarndi community, and more generally the community of Roebourne, for over a decade. Prior to this Michael undertook training through Rio Tinto’s Aboriginal Training and Liaison division, and from 2002-11 took Juluwarlu Aboriginal Corporation from a small organisation to a thriving archiving, publishing, digital media, television broadcasting, media training, cultural consultancy, and advocacy enterprise. In 2007, Michael was appointed as CEO of YAC where his responsibilities include heritage management, policy and research services, and retaining professional legal and anthropological services as required.

Michael Woodley
Juluwarlu Art Group
Language: Yindjibarndi